Coping Strategies

Dear Families, 

A major component of self management is learning how to control your emotions through the use of Coping Strategies.

Coping strategies help each of us regulate our emotions. No two people are the same and we all cope in ways that work for us. Students were provided with various tools and tricks to help their bodies regulate, stay in their “Thinking Brain” and move back to the Green Zone so they can make Good Choices. 

People typically regulate across 4 different quadrants  -solitary regulation: being alone  -co-regulation: being with others -somatosensory: using your senses -cognitive: using your mind 
We tend to gravitate toward a combination of these regulation styles. Within each quadrant, there are multiple tools for regulating that help distract the brain from emotional responses and re-connect to the thinking part of our brain. 

We’ve also worked on various forms of breathing as we know getting oxygen to the brain and slowing your breathing/ heartbeat can be very regulating. Rhythmic and patterned breathing, crossing the midline of your body and mirroring/modeling are great tools in the regulation process. Quick, easy techniques that utilize these are Butterfly breathing, Pretzel breathing, and anything where you're asking students to copy what you’re doing and breathe with you.  (Ask your child to teach you about these tools)

If you are interested in learning more about Coping Strategies, check out this article on 

“75 Awesome Calm Down Strategies For Kids” from the ParentswithConfidence website