Growth Mindset

Dear Families, 

Students are learning about some of their greatest strengths, their Growth Mindset and Perseverance.

A Growth Mindset is the way you view the world. People with a growth mindset believe that you can learn and do anything if you put in the work, practice and effort to make it happen. This is the opposite of a fixed mindset, which means that you believe there are just some things you’ll never be able to learn or do, no matter what. 

A Growth Mindset comes from: 

-Embracing challenges

-Pushing through obstacles

-Putting in extra effort

-Learning from criticism

-Celebrating the success of others

-Not giving up

A key component of having a Growth Mindset is the word YET!

YET means that just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean you never will, it just means it hasn't happened YET. If students learn to add the word YET when they are struggling, they can learn to push through any challenge. 

We also learned about Perseverance. Perseverance means you keep going and keep trying no matter how challenging something gets. You don’t give up and you show grit! 

It’s easy to want to quit when things get challenging but remember: 

-Hard or Easy: Some things are Hard to do and that’s OK. The more you practice, the Easier they become. 

-My Job or Your Job: Don’t get caught up in other’s challenges. Focus on yourself, because Your Job is YOU! 

-Big Problem or Little Problem: It may feel like a Big Problem that you can’t overcome but, if no one is hurt, it’s a Little Problem and we can work through it.

-Ready or Not Ready: When you’re feeling frustrated and Not Ready, help yourself get Ready (back to your thinking brain) by calming your body so you can continue to persevere and accomplish anything.