The Hand Brain Model

Dear Families, 

In order to understand the brain in response to emotions and thinking, students are learning about the Hand Brain Model. 

The Hand Brain Model was developed by Dr. Dan Siegal. 

This model provides a visual to help students understand what’s scientifically happening to their brains and bodies when their emotions take control. 

When we are in our Upstairs or Thinking Brain:

-our prefrontal cortex is able to connect to the rest of our brain

-we can access our executive functioning skills 

-we can problem solve

-we can reason and plan

-we can make rational/logical choices 

As situations arise we begin to move out of our upstairs brain and into our Downstairs or Emotional Brain. At this point we:

-are only able to access our amygdala, the port of our brain where emotions are housed

-get stuck in our brainstem, where our fight, flight or freeze response is triggered

-react to situations based on our emotions

-“Flip our Lid” 

A major component of self regulation is the ability to listen to your body in order to determine what part of your brain you are accessing. Are you able to focus in your Thinking Brain or are you acting from your emotions in your Downstairs Brain? Understanding how to tell when you’re beginning to Flip your Lid and using strategies to calm your body are essential to being in control of your body and making good choices. 

You can learn more about the Hand Brain Model by watching a video clip from Dr. Dan Siegal, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, explaining the Hand Brain Model.