The Line of Choice

Dear Families, 

This lesson is all about The Line of Choice.

The Line of Choice helps students understand that each person is in control of their own body. Each student makes a choice for themselves on how they choose to act and react in every situation. 

GOOD Choices = taking Ownership, Accountability and Responsibility (OAR). 

When students are doing this they:

-take ownership for the choice they’ve made as they are the one in control of that choice 

(yes, I did that)

-they hold themselves accountable 

(I’m sorry I made that choice)

-they are responsible for fixing it 

(here’s how I am going to make it better)

When students take OAR, problems can be fixed and everyone involved can MOVE ON. 

BAD/POOR Choices = Blaming, making Excuses and being in Denial (BED)

When students are doing this they:

-blame others for what happened 

(he/she did, it not me)

-make excuses 

(I only did it because…)

-are in denial that it even happened

(I don’t know what you’re talking about)

When students choose BED, they’re STUCK and everyone around them is as well because problems can not be solved, repaired or moved on from.

However, students know that he/she is still in control and at any second, he/she can make the choice to “Turn it Around” and make a GOOD Choice. We all make mistakes and it’s up to the individual if you want to stay stuck or move forward. 

Students also learn about the correlation between 

Good Choices = Good Consequences and Bad/Poor Choices = Bad Consequences

Only the individual is in control of themselves so if they do not like the consequence that happened, he/she is responsible for making a different choice.