The Thought Loop

Dear Families, 

To understand how our thoughts, feelings and actions are connected, students are learning about 

The Thought Loop

The Thought Loop is a visual representation of how we each have control over the things that happen in our lives and how we can influence positivity or negativity around us. 

At the top of our loop, we have our thoughts. Our thoughts affect our feelings. Our feelings then produce physical responses that affect our actions. Our actions either play back into our own thoughts or into others thoughts which affect their feelings and finally their actions. In turn, others actions can affect our thoughts, continuing our loop. 

If we begin our loop with a negative thought, that produces a negative feeling which leads into a negative action. If we behave in negative ways, that leads others to think negatively about what it is we’re doing, causing them to feel in negative ways about us and possibly have negative actions toward us. If others treat us in a negative way, we continue to have negative thoughts. 

However, if we begin our loop with a positive thought, we feel so much better. When we feel good, we are more likely to behave in positive ways. If we are positive toward others, that leads to them having great thoughts about us, which leads to them feeling positive around us and in response, treating us in kind ways. If we are treated kindly by others, we are more likely to continue to have positive thoughts. 

Each of us only has control over ourselves so if we want our interactions with others to be different or the things in our life to change, then we have to influence that by controlling what we can. In this model, that means to change what’s happening, we need to reverse our loop. 

To change what’s happening with others, we need to first change our actions as that’s what others go off of. In order to change our actions, we need to change our feelings as our actions are produced by our feelings. Finally, in order to change our feelings, we need to change our thoughts. By changing our thoughts, we can switch from a negative loop into a positive loop. The way in which we begin our loop is the way our loop continues. 

Students are learning to challenge their negative thoughts. When you find yourself in a negative loop (you’re having negative emotions, you’re getting in trouble or others are treating you in ways you don’t like), try changing your loop into something positive by first thinking positively. How can you make your negative thoughts positive? What can you find positive about this situation? Our brains often want to hold onto negative thoughts so we have to actively challenge those thoughts by finding the good in every situation. 

Ways to build a more positive outlook on life are to do these things on a regular basis: 

-Keep a gratitude journal (write down things you are grateful for)

-Practice positive self talk (how can you have a Growth Mindset and remember your YET)

-3 Good Things (what are 3 things going well in your life)

-Affirmations (what are positive messages you can give you yourself or to others to uplift them)

-Practice Mindfulness (how can you be present in the moment and enjoy all that life has to offer)

-Laugh on a regular basis (how can you find humor in things)

To learn more about positive thinking check out this article from Healthline: The Benefits of Thinking Positively, and How To Do It